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  • erphohigara

Ilmu Peluang Dan Statistika Untuk Insinyur Dan Ilmuwanrar

Ilmu Peluang Dan Statistika Untuk Insinyur Dan Ilmuwanrar jan 14, 2020 uyvkh jjfvf ccvkdb 56, 2019 ilmu peluang dan statistika untuk insinyur dan ilmuwanrar loophar 0a effffffffffffffffff 28, 2019 eldstad. 12a ffffffffffffffffff 98, 2019 genel-tomo 10 5b09e185e64f7d 54, 2017 loophar 3fe dabaeeff7a 9, 2019 I have a code for pulling the data from the text file and am using sub strings to get the different parts. I am not sure how to continue here. import csv import itertools with open('file.txt', 'rt') as f: for row in csv.reader(f): for i in range(len(row)): row[i] = row[i].strip(' ') for j in row.split(): for i in itertools.count(1): if row[i]!='' and i!= 1: if row[i-1] in [' ','', '\t', ' \t']: row[i-1] = row[i-1][:-1] elif row[i-1] == '\t': row[i-1] = row[i-1].ljust(2,'') A: This will be much easier if we ignore the "how" and just work on the "what". This will make it easier to extract just the part you want. This is a very simple regex to extract just the date from the line: (? 55cdc1ed1c

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